Drumming for Health & Wellness
We offer rhythm and drumming programs customizable for all ages

Research on the benefits of drumming has suggested it can improve mental health, stimulate cognitive function, promotes physical health and social emotional engagement. Our programs for therapists and health care centres are hands-on and an interactive rhythmical journey for you and your clients. Using hand drums, shakers, our bodies and percussion instruments, we will sing, dance, move and create an exciting rhythm circle together.

The Beat of Now Mindfulness Program
This interactive rhythm-based program provides participants with stress reducing tools that can be applied in their daily life. Increases a sense of calm and relaxation.
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Drumming For Your Health
This fun interactive rhythm-based activity builds spirit, offers an avenue for self-expression and to raise the joy of life.
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Team Buiding & Leadership Workshops
This collaborative workshop is geared for staff, educators and therapists to promote effective communication, leadership, team work and active listening skills.
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Let Your Rhythm Shine Training
This course provides training for your staff, equipping them to run their own rhythm-based workshops at your centre.
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